What English Word Retains the Same Pronunciation After Vowel?

What English Word Retains the Same Pronunciation After Vowel

English is a language that has undergone several vowel sound changes, and as a result, many English words have changed their pronunciation. What English Word Retains the Same Pronunciation After Vowel Sound Changes? You will get here full answer and related things details. In this context, we will discuss the different vowel sound changes in … Read more

Difference Between Has and Had | Has VS Had

Difference Between Has and Had

English is an international language that we know. Has and had is the part of Tense. It’s called a verb. These express a question, statement, request, suggestion, command, and exclamation. You’ll get here the Difference between has and had with examples. In Tense, the verb has that used to proclaim the present perfect Tense; otherwise, … Read more

Article Exercise With Answers (A, An, The) Quiz

Article Exercise With Answers

Let’s delve into the fascinating world of articles in English. Articles, such as “a,” “an,” and “the,” play a crucial role in specifying noun definiteness. Below, you’ll find exercises to test your understanding of article usage. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced learner, these quizzes will help refine your grasp of proper article usage. You … Read more