Grammar Parts of Speech Quiz Test

Grammar is the foundation of clear communication, and understanding the parts of speech is a key step in mastering it. You can take part in the English Grammar Parts of Speech quiz test, and participation will be completely free for all.

This quiz on parts of speech is designed to test your knowledge of the basic building blocks of English grammar, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and more. It’s a fun and simple way to learn while sharpening your language skills. Let’s start and explore the core elements that bring sentences to life.


Grammar Parts of Speech Quiz

Grammar Parts of Speech Quiz

Let's start to participate the quiz and rate yourself in the parts of speech quizzes

1 / 15

Which word is a determiner? "This apple is sweet."

2 / 15

What part of speech is the word "Wow" in this sentence?

"Wow! That was an amazing performance."

3 / 15

Find the preposition in the sentence below: "The book is on the table."

4 / 15

Which word is a pronoun? "They went to the park after lunch."

5 / 15

What is the conjunction in this sentence? "I will stay home unless it stops raining."

6 / 15

Choose the adverb in the sentence below: "The baby cried loudly."

7 / 15

Which word is an adjective in the sentence below? "He bought a red car."

8 / 15

Identify the verb in this sentence: "She runs every morning."

9 / 15

Which word is a noun in the sentence below? "The dog barked loudly at the stranger."

10 / 15

What part of speech is “because” in the example below?

11 / 15

What part of speech is “too”?

12 / 15

How many prepositional phrases does this sentence contain?

13 / 15

What part of speech is “tire” in this example? You tire me out.

14 / 15

Which part of speech does the word “friendly” belong to?

15 / 15

He works ---- Saturday.

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The average score is 76%


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Examples and Exercise quizzes of the parts of speech test

  1. Which part of speech does the word “friendly” belong to?

a) adverb

b) adjective

c) noun


2. What part of speech is “tire” in this example? You tire me out.

a) noun

b) adjective

c) verb


3. How many prepositional phrases does this sentence contain?

a) Two

b) Three

c) Four


4. What part of speech is “too”?

a) adjective

b) pronoun

c) adverb


5. What part of speech is “because” in the example below?

a) Conjunction

b) Preposition

c) adverb


6. Which word is a noun in the sentence below?

“The dog barked loudly at the stranger.”

a) Barked

b) Dog

c) Loudly


7. Identify the verb in this sentence: “She runs every morning.”

a) She

b) Runs

c) Every


8. Which word is an adjective in the sentence below? “He bought a red car.”

a) Bought

b) Red

c) Car


9. Choose the adverb in the sentence below: “The baby cried loudly.”

a) Baby

b) Cried

c) Loudly


10. What is the conjunction in this sentence? “I will stay home unless it stops raining.”

a) Stay

b) Unless

c) Stops


11. Which word is a pronoun in this sentence? They went to the park after lunch.”

a) They

b) Went

c) Park


12. Find the preposition in the sentence below: “The book is on the table.”

a) Book

b) On

c) Table


13. What part of speech is the word “Wow” in this sentence? Wow! That was an amazing performance.

a) Adjective

b) Verb

c) Interjection


14. Which word is a determiner in this sentence? This apple is sweet.

a) This

b) Apple

c) Sweet


15. Identify the correct part of speech for the word “quickly” in the sentence below: “He quickly finished his homework.”

a) Verb

b) Noun

c) Adverb


Answers and Explanations about part of speech practice test

  1. Answer: b) Adjective

Explanation: “Friendly” is an adjective because it describes a noun or pronoun. For example, in “She is friendly,” the word describes the nature of the subject.

2. Answer: c) Verb

Explanation: “Tire” is a verb in this sentence because it indicates an action, specifically causing exhaustion.

3. Answer: a) Two

Explanation: A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition and its object. For example, in “She walked to the park in the afternoon,” the prepositional phrases are “to the park” and “in the afternoon,” making two in total.

4. Answer: c) Adverb

Explanation: “Too” is an adverb that means “also” or “to a higher degree.” For example, in “She is too tired,” it modifies the adjective “tired.”

5. Answer: a) Conjunction

Explanation: “Because” is a subordinating conjunction that connects two clauses, indicating a reason. For example, in “I stayed home because it was raining,” it links the reason to the action.

6. Answer: b) Dog

Explanation: A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea. In this case, “dog” is the noun.

7. Answer: b) Runs

Explanation: A verb is an action or state of being. Here, “runs” is the action performed.

8. Answer: b) Red

Explanation: An adjective describes or modifies a noun. “Red” describes the car.

9. Answer: c) Loudly

Explanation: An adverb modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb. “Loudly” describes how the baby cried.

10. Answer: b) Unless

Explanation: A conjunction connects words, phrases, or clauses. “Unless” connects the two parts of the sentence.

11. Answer: a) They

Explanation: A pronoun replaces a noun. “They” replaces the subject of the sentence.

12. Answer: b) On

Explanation: A preposition shows the relationship between a noun and another word. “On” indicates the book’s position.

13. Answer: c) Interjection

Explanation: An interjection is a word or phrase that expresses emotion. “Wow” shows excitement.

14. Answer: a) This

Explanation: A determiner specifies which noun is being referred to. “This” identifies the apple.

15. Answer: c) Adverb

Explanation: An adverb describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb. “Quickly” describes how he finished his homework.


Conclusion about Parts of Speech quiz

Mastering the parts of speech is an essential step in building strong grammar skills. This quiz not only tests your knowledge but also helps you understand how words function in a sentence. Keep practicing, and you’ll gain confidence in identifying and using the parts of speech effectively in your communication. Remember, every word plays an important role in bringing your sentences to life

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