There’s a lot of talk about educational objectives in the classroom. But not enough talk about learning objectives. There are five types of Educational Objectives, which we will describe in detail here. What are Instructional Objectives? Why should we have them? And how can we use them to help students understand what they’re learning?
This blog is all about educational objectives: what they are and the different ways you can implement them in your lessons. We’ve also included examples of objectives for teachers and students.
Types of educational objectives
– There are five types of educational objectives, namely
- Descriptive
- Comparative
- Procedural
- Functional
- And experiential.
1. Descriptive objectives
– Descriptive objectives are designed to provide a general overview of a subject matter. They outline the objective of the learning process and the main outcome of the learning process.
2. Comparative objectives
– Comparative objectives compare two or more subjects. They outline the aim of learning by comparing two different subject matters.
3. Procedural objectives
– Procedural objectives outline the steps necessary to complete a task or achieve a specific outcome. They outline the specific actions to be performed at every step of learning.
4. Functional objectives
– Functional objectives focus on the use of knowledge and skills acquired in the subject matter. They outline how students use their knowledge and skills in different areas of learning or assessing.
5. Experiential Objectives
– Experiential objectives are designed to provide opportunities for students to experience a subject matter in a real-world situation.
They involve activities and experiences that help students learn the information more effectively.
Here’s an example of an educational objective for learning how to use digital equipment:
The focus of this program will be on developing skills in problem-solving, time management, and working independently as well as teamwork using technology.”
The objective of educational objectives is to provide a framework for framing goals and targets for educational institutions and individual learners. The objectives can be used as a guide for planning and evaluating educational programs.
Other Four Types of Educational Objectives
Besides, there are four types of Educational Objectives
- General
- Intermediate
- Institutional
- Specific or Instructional Objectives

General Educational Objectives
After reading this answer, the student should be able to:
Understand what general educational objectives (GEO) are and how they can be used to measure a student’s success in learning.
Explain the different types of GEOs and identify which ones may best suit their interests or career goals.
Discuss how to find appropriate GEOs for learning from certified educators using various resources, such as textbooks or online courses.
The purposes of the course must be in sync with the objectives of a school’s program of health and sickness, e.g.: providing preventive and healing care to individuals and society.
Intermediate Objectives
The accomplishment of this is made possible by breaking down broad goals into parts and assembling them to define the sorts of functions e.g.: designing and conducting a blood sampling session for a group of adults in the community.
The student should be able to:
Understand the concept of general educational objectives (GEOs) and how they can be used to measure success in learning.
Institutional Objectives
The graduate will have beginning competencies in a specialized area of nursing and be prepared to work as a generalist with Eg: the ability to obtain health histories and make health assessments.
Institutional Objectives (IOs) are a type of investment manager that exists to achieve long-term financial objectives for their clients. They use several different strategies, including global diversification, asset allocation, and risk management.
IOs typically offer higher rates of return than traditional mutual funds or brokerage accounts, so they may be a better option for those who are looking for consistent returns over the long term. They maintain lower levels of risk compared to other types of investments due to their specialized approach to managing various risks associated with investing.
Specific or instructional objectives
Specific or instructional objectives are a critical part of any curriculum design. They represent the specific goals that students will be able to accomplish as a result of their learning experience. This document should include Clearly defined outcomes, measures for assessing achievement, deadlines, and resources needed to help students achieve these objectives.
The objectives in your curriculum can be based on state standards or course content guidelines.
Specific instruction is essential for student success because it helps them understand what they need to know for them to reach their academic goals.
Types of Objectives
There are Four types of Objectives given here.
- Cognitive
- Psychomotor
- Attitudes
- Interpersonal/Social
- To learn and understand information
- To think critically in the cognitive domain
- To improve comprehension of materials
- To recall information accurately
- To solve problems
- To improve handwriting
- We have to learn new motor skills
- To increase hand-eye coordination
- toward learning and studying
- toward learning material
If we say it shortly, Cognitive objectives emphasize THINKING
Affective objectives emphasize FEELING
And psychomotor objectives emphasize ACTING.
Interactions with others and social skills are examples of this.
Identifying the Learning Objectives
This session of the seminar will provide an introduction to scaffolding learning and explore the difference between course objectives and learning objectives.
You should be able to differentiate between goals and objectives afterward, as well as create measurable learning objectives for a course in your subject area.
Do you know what are the Instructional Objectives In Teaching? Don’t worry you’ll get here about it.
Specific, quantifiable, short-term, and observable student behaviors are the instructional goals. They show what kinds of information, skills, or attitudes are most important. A lesson plan’s instructional objective is at the heart of it.
Kinds of objectives in the lesson plan
Objectives are the main focus of any lesson plan. They can be broadly categorized into four main categories, as explained above – process, product, content, and audience objectives. Process objectives focus on the steps of a specific task or process. This includes the How-to steps of a specific task or How-to process. Similarly, product objectives focus on the results of a specific task or process. This includes the outcome of a specific task or- process.
THINKING, FEELING, and are the cognitive and affective goals of the game. ACTING is an important part of cognitive behavioral therapy.
Content objectives focus on the information that is presented in a specific lesson or assignment. This includes the information that is to be covered in a specific lesson or assignment.
Lastly, audience objectives focus on the target audience of a particular lesson or assignment. This includes the Who, What, Why, and When of a particular lesson or assignment.
It is important to carefully consider these different types of objectives when planning your lessons and assignments for students to ensure that their learning goals are met and that their educational experience is meaningful.
Example of general objectives in the lesson plan
A general objective in a lesson plan would be a statement of the Student Learning objectives of the lesson, outlining the learning outcomes that the students aim to achieve. It would be a broad statement of the objective of the lesson, outlining the learning outcomes that the students aim to achieve.
– To develop critical thinking skills
– You have to Increase your vocabulary knowledge
– To improve reasoning abilities
– Develop problem-solving abilities
– To improve writing skills
Learning objectives examples for teachers
A learning objective is a specific statement of the learning objectives and objectives of a course or lesson. It’s a goal of the course or lesson that the students should have developed by the end of the activity.
A learning objective can be made up of several sub-objectives, each stating what the student should know, have developed, or be able to do at the end of the activity. This makes it easy for teachers to focus on developing specific skills and knowledge in their students.
Knowing objectives helps outline what students should learn and understand as they work through a course or lesson. They are usually broken down into individual steps and can include broad educational goals such as “to analyze” or “to discuss.”
– Knowing objectives can be used to outline objectives for individual lessons or courses.
– Knowing objectives also makes it easier for teachers to focus on developing specific communication skills and knowledge in their students.
What are the four main purposes of learning objectives
Educational objectives are a vital part of any educational system. They help students understand what they need to learn in a specific course of study and why they need to learn it. They also take into account the desirable outcomes of learning, such as acquiring specific knowledge or skills.
Educational objectives can be focused on specific content areas or skills. In addition, educational objectives can be tailored to meet the needs of different students. For instance, an educational objective may be tailored for a student who has just learned how to ride a bike and another objective may be tailored for a student who is learning to play the piano.
Educational objectives can be grouped into levels or cycles. These objectives act as milestones in the student’s learning journey and help him/her measure his/her success at various stages of the course of study. Educational objectives can also be revised and updated as the student’s learning progresses.
In short, educational objectives serve as a benchmark for educational activities and provide students with a clear idea of what they need to learn and why they need to learn it.
Types of objectives in teaching
When deciding on the type of objective for your lesson plan, it is important to consider the desired learning outcome and the objectives’ purpose. If you’re working with specific objectives, the objective should be designed to measure the attainment of a specific learning outcome. This type of objective is effective for assessments and can help students understand the content and learn essential skills.
If you’re working with general objectives, the objective should be designed to help students understand the content and learn essential skills. Specific objectives are great for helping students focus on specific tasks or skills and can also provide a helpful framework for planning and tracking student progress.
If you’re looking for a more descriptive approach, explanatory objectives are perfect for describing what students have learned or why a particular topic or task is important.
Here are the four main types of teaching objectives:
1. Cognitive Objectives
These objectives focus on the knowledge and intellectual skills that students should acquire. They are typically stated in terms of what students will be able to know, understand, or do after instruction. For example, a cognitive objective might state that students will be able to “define the concept of photosynthesis” or “solve quadratic equations.”
2. Affective Objectives
These objectives focus on the attitudes, values, and appreciation that students should develop. They are typically stated in terms of how students will feel, think, or behave after instruction. For example, an effective objective might state that students will “develop an appreciation for the diversity of cultures” or “demonstrate a commitment to social justice.”
3. Psychomotor Objectives
These objectives focus on the physical skills that students should develop. They are typically stated in terms of what students will be able to do physically after instruction. For example, a psychomotor objective might state that students will be able to “play a musical instrument” or “perform a science experiment.”
4. Interpersonal/Social Objectives
These objectives focus on the social skills and interactions that students should develop. They are typically stated in terms of how students will interact with others after instruction. For example, an interpersonal/social objective might state that students will be able to “work effectively in teams” or “communicate respectfully with others.”
These are just some of the many different types of teaching objectives. The specific objectives that you use in your teaching will vary depending on your subject matter, your students, and your overall goals for your course.
Finally, if you’re looking for a procedural approach, evaluative objectives can help students assess their understanding of the material and track their progress. It’s important to choose the right type of objective for your lesson plan, as each one has its benefits.
Taxonomy of educational objectives
There are four main taxonomies of educational objectives: cognitive, affective, psychomotor, and social.
In general, cognitive objectives focus on the acquisition of information while affective objectives focus on the development of emotions or attitudes. Psychomotor objectives help students develop skills and abilities while social objectives aim to build relationships between students and teachers.
Each taxonomy contains many different types of objective goals: learning outcomes (e.g., understanding a concept), skill goals (e.g., spelling correctly), process goals (e.g., completing a task successfully), competence goals ( e.g., demonstrating comprehension of material), and performance goals (e.g., answering questions correctly).
Cognitive objectives: Learning outcomes focus on what students know or understand after completing a task.
Examples of learning outcomes might include the identification of key terms, understanding complex concepts, and recognizing patterns in data.
Bloom’s taxonomy
Affective objectives:
Examples of affective objectives might include increasing student engagement, building positive attitudes toward learning, and developing enthusiasm for the material.
Holmes’ taxonomy
Psychomotor objectives: Psychomotor objectives focus on developing specific skills or abilities.
They can help students learn new information faster or improve their performance on tasks by teaching them how to handle different situations better.
Some common psychomotor objectives are fluency in a new language, proficiency in math skills, and mastering basic computer skills.
Benjamin bloom in Social objectives
Social objectives aim to build relationships between students and teachers.
They can help create a supportive learning environment by involving the student in the material
Some common social objectives are establishing equitable student participation levels, managing classroom behavior democratically, and fostering collaboration among classmates.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the three types of educational objectives?
It can be helpful to think of educational objectives as three separate goals that a student is trying to achieve. These goals could be learning goals, learning outcomes, and student learning outcomes.
Learning goals are what the student is trying to learn, for example, “I want to know how to ride a bike.”
Student learning outcomes are what the student achieves as a result of studying a particular subject, such as “I am now able to ride a bike.”
what are learning objectives?
A learning objective is a specific, measurable, and achievable goal that students are expected to achieve as part of their educational experience.
It should be relevant to their interests and needs, as it will help guide the curriculum and instruction. The selection of learning objectives is important as they will help guide the curriculum and instruction.
How should I set academic objectives for my students?
There are a variety of ways to set academic objectives for your students, and the most effective way will depend on your curriculum, goals, and teaching style. However, some of the most common objectives that educators set for their students include course content knowledge, grades earned, skill acquisition, and professional development.
If you are looking for more information on setting academic objectives, our guide entitled “Types of Educational Objectives: A Guide for Academics” can help you get started. In this guide, we discuss the different types of objectives and provide useful tips on how to set them appropriately for your students.
What are the main educational objectives?
There are a variety of different educational objectives that academics may want to consider when designing and delivering their courses and learning experiences. Some common objectives include developing critical thinking skills, acquiring new knowledge, and gaining experience.
When it comes to educational objectives, it is important to tailor the objectives to the students and program you are working with. For example, if you are teaching a course in mathematics for high school students, then it may be more beneficial to develop skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking.
If you are teaching a course on financial planning for college students, then it may be more beneficial to focus on acquiring new knowledge about topics such as finance and investing.
The most effective way to achieve the objectives is through engaging students in activities and discussions. You can ensure that they are learning the material in a meaningful way and can apply it to their own lives.
Who defined educational objectives?
Academic institutions have the responsibility to define educational objectives. This is done to ensure that the school/university’s mission and vision are met.
Educational objectives should be relevant to the student’s skills and knowledge, as well as the educational goals of the school/university. The objectives should be continually updated as the school/university changes over time to reflect the latest trends and developments in the field of education.
How many objectives are there in education?
There are three types of educational objectives: descriptive, evaluative, and instructional.
Descriptive objectives provide a general overview of what students have learned. This could be something like summarizing a chapter, completing an assignment, or mastering the basics of a subject.
Evaluative objectives assess whether students have learned the required material. This could be checking comprehension with tests or grading given assignments.
Instrumental objectives teach students how to do something. This could be teaching them how to use software, create marketing materials, or play a musical instrument.
What are the educational objectives according to Bloom’s taxonomy?
According to Bloom’s taxonomy, the educational objectives of a text are as follows:
- Knowledge (understanding specific information)
- Comprehension (being able to understand a text or material on its own)
- Application (using what you have learned to solve problems or achieve goals)
- Analysis (breaking down complex information into manageable pieces)
- Synthesis (creating new knowledge from multiple sources).
Last Word
A learning objective is a statement of what you hope to achieve through the educational process. It’s an objective-driven statement of purpose that helps you to organize, and design educational activities that are focused on the specific objectives of learning and improving performance.
They help you make sure students understand the objectives of the lesson and that they’re able to take action steps toward achieving them.