How well do you know the correct spellings of all 50 U.S. states? While many Americans can name them, spelling them accurately is a new challenge. From tricky double letters to silent vowels, state names often trip up even the savviest spellers.
Dive into this fun and educational 50 States Spelling Quiz to test your skills! Each question includes three options—only one is correct. Answers are provided immediately after each quiz, so you can learn as you go. Let’s get started!
American 50 States quiz spelling test
Read and practice also quiz: American Spelling Quiz-1
British American Spelling Quiz Part-1
British American Spelling Quiz Part-2
British American Spelling Quiz Part-3
Examples and exercise of the 50 States Spelling Quiz
1. What is the spelling of the northwestern state known for its coffee culture?
A) Washington
B) Washingtun
C) Washinton
2. How do you spell the Sunshine State?
A) Flordia
B) Florida
C) Florda
3. Identify the correct spelling of the Grand Canyon State.
A) Arizona
B) Arizonna
C) Arisona
4. Which spelling is right for the state home to Hollywood?
A) Califorinia
B) California
C) Kalifornia
5. Spell the state famous for jazz music and Mardi Gras.
A) Louisianna
B) Lousiana
C) Louisiana
6. Which is the correct spelling of the Lone Star State?
A) Texas
B) Texass
C) Texes
7. How do you spell the smallest U.S. state by area?
A) Rhode Island
B) Road Island
C) Rode Island
8. Which spelling matches the state known for cheesesteaks?
A) Pensylvania
B) Pennsylvannia
C) Pennsylvania
9. Spell the Midwestern state famous for cornfields.
A) Illinoise
B) Illinois
C) Illinoi
10. Identify the correct spelling of the Aloha State.
A) Hawai
B) Hawaii
C) Hawii
11. Which is the correct spelling of the “Heart of Dixie” state?
A) Alabamah
B) Alabamma
C) Alabama
12. Spell the name of the “Last Frontier” state.
A) Alaskah
B) Alaska
C) Alaskaa
13. Identify the correct spelling of the “Natural State.”
A) Arkansaw
B) Arkanzas
C) Arkansas
14. How do you spell the “Centennial State”?
A) Colourado
B) Colorado
C) Coloradao
15. Which spelling matches the “Constitution State”?
A) Conecticut
B) Connecticut
C) Connecticuit
16. Spell the first state to join the Union.
A) Delaware
B) Deleware
C) Della Ware
17. Which is the correct spelling of the “Peach State”?
A) Georga
B) Georgia
C) Georgie
18. How do you spell the “Gem State”?
A) Idahoe
B) Idahow
C) Idaho
19. Identify the correct spelling of the “Hoosier State.”
A) Indianna
B) Indiana
C) Indiiana
20. Spell the “Hawkeye State.”
A) Iowah
B) Iowa
C) Iwoa
21. Which spelling is right for the “Sunflower State”?
A) Kansas
B) Kansass
C) Kansis
22. How do you spell the “Bluegrass State”?
A) Kentucky
B) Kentuky
C) Kentuckey
23. Which is the correct spelling of the “Pine Tree State”?
A) Main
B) Maine
C) Mayne
24. Spell the “Old Line State.”
A) Marylin
B) Maryland
C) Mariland
25. Identify the correct spelling of the “Bay State.”
A) Massachusets
B) Massachussetts
C) Massachusetts
26. How do you spell the “Great Lakes State”?
A) Mitchigan
B) Michigan
C) Michagan
27. Spell the “Land of 10,000 Lakes.”
A) Minisota
B) Minnesota
C) Minnesotta
28. Which spelling matches the “Magnolia State”?
A) Misisippi
B) Missisippi
C) Mississippi
29. Spell the “Show-Me State.”
A) Misouri
B) Missourri
C) Missouri
30. How do you spell the “Treasure State”?
A) Montanna
B) Montana
C) Montanah
31. Identify the correct spelling of the “Cornhusker State.”
A) Nebrasca
B) Nebraska
C) Nebraskah
32. Spell the “Silver State.”
A) Nevada
B) Nevadah
C) Navada
33. Which is the correct spelling of the “Granite State”?
A) New Hampshire
B) New Hampshire
C) New Hampshere
34. Spell the “Garden State.”
A) New Jersey
B) New Jersy
C) New Jersie
35. How do you spell the “Land of Enchantment”?
A) New Meksico
B) New Mexico
C) New Mexicco
36. Identify the correct spelling of the “Empire State.”
A) New Yorck
B) New York
C) New Yorrk
37. Spell the “Tar Heel State.”
A) North Carollina
B) North Carolinna
C) North Carolina
38. Which spelling is right for the “Peace Garden State”?
A) North Dokota
B) North Dakotta
C) North Dakota
39. How do you spell the “Buckeye State”?
A) Ohiho
B) Ohio
C) Ohia
40. Identify the correct spelling of the “Sooner State.”
A) Oklohoma
B) Oklahoma
C) Oklahomma
41. Spell the “Beaver State.”
A) Oregan
B) Oregon
C) Oregoon
42. Which is the correct spelling of the “Palmetto State”?
A) South Carolina
B) South Carollina
C) South Carolinna
43. Spell the “Mount Rushmore State.”
A) South Dokota
B) South Dakota
C) South Dakotta
44. How do you spell the “Volunteer State”?
A) Tennessee
B) Tennesee
C) Tenessee
45. Identify the correct spelling of the “Beehive State.”
A) Utah
B) Utha
C) Uta
46. Spell the “Green Mountain State.”
A) Varmont
B) Vermont
C) Vermontt
47. Which spelling matches the “Old Dominion State”?
A) Virgina
B) Virginia
C) Virginnia
48. Spell the “Mountain State.”
A) West Virgina
B) West Virginnia
C) West Virginia
49. How do you spell “America’s Dairyland”?
A) Wiscosin
B) Wisconsin
C) Wisconson
50. Identify the correct spelling of the “Equality State.”
A) Wyoming
B) Wyomming
C) Wiyoming
Answers to all questions
- A) Washington
- B) Florida
- A) Arizona
- B) California
- C) Louisiana
- A) Texas
- A) Rhode Island
- C) Pennsylvania
- B) Illinois
- B) Hawaii
- C) Alabama
- B) Alaska
- C) Arkansas
- B) Colorado
- B) Connecticut
- A) Delaware
- B) Georgia
- C) Idaho
- B) Indiana
- B) Iowa
- A) Kansas
- A) Kentucky
- B) Maine
- B) Maryland
- C) Massachusetts
- B) Michigan
- B) Minnesota
- C) Mississippi
- C) Missouri
- B) Montana
- B) Nebraska
- A) Nevada
- B) New Hampshire
- A) New Jersey
- B) New Mexico
- B) New York
- C) North Carolina
- C) North Dakota
- B) Ohio
- B) Oklahoma
- B) Oregon
- A) South Carolina
- B) South Dakota
- A) Tennessee
- A) Utah
- B) Vermont
- B) Virginia
- C) West Virginia
- B) Wisconsin
- A) Wyoming
Final Note
Congratulations on completing the full 50 States Spelling Quiz! Whether you breezed through or stumbled on a few. This quiz is a fantastic way to sharpen your U.S. geography and spelling prowess. Share it with friends to see who’s a true spelling champion! 🏆🗺️