Antonyms Quiz with Answers | 20 Quizzes

Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings, and mastering them is key to expanding your vocabulary and enhancing your communication skills. An antonyms quiz is a fun and engaging way to test your knowledge and discover new words.

Whether you’re a student looking to improve your language skills or just someone who enjoys word games, this quiz will challenge you to think critically about the relationships between words. Ready to dive in? Let’s explore some intriguing antonyms along with their answers


Antonyms quiz for competitive exam

Antonyms Quiz with Answers

Now, let's click "Start" to participate the Antonyms Quiz and rate yourself

1 / 20

What is the correct antonym for 'Accept'?

2 / 20

What is the correct antonym for 'Generous'?

3 / 20

What is the antonym of "true"?

4 / 20

What is the antonym of "near"?

5 / 20

What is the antonym of "easy"?

6 / 20

What is the antonym of "hot"?

7 / 20

What is the antonym of "fast"?

8 / 20

What is the correct antonym for 'Wide'?

9 / 20

What is the correct antonym for 'Soft'?

10 / 20

What is the correct antonym for 'Friend'?

11 / 20

What is the correct antonym for 'Urban'?

12 / 20

What is the correct antonym for 'Quiet'?

13 / 20

What is the correct antonym for 'Strong'?

14 / 20

What is the correct antonym for 'Ancient'?

15 / 20

What is the correct antonym for 'Full'?

16 / 20

What is the correct antonym for 'Happy'?

17 / 20

What is the correct antonym for 'Hot'?

18 / 20

Select the most appropriate Antonyms of the given word: Eternal

19 / 20

Select the most appropriate Antonyms of Gregarious:

20 / 20

Select the most appropriate Antonyms of Obscure:

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Examples antonyms questions for competitive exams

1. Select the most appropriate Antonyms of Obscure:

a. Vague

b. Sluggish

c. Clear


2. Select the most appropriate Antonyms of Gregarious:

a. Placid

b. Solitary

c. Greedy

3. Select the most appropriate Antonyms of the given word: Eternal

a. Discourage

b. Ephemeral

c. magnanimous


4. What is the correct antonym for ‘Hot’?

a. Cold

b. Warm

c. Spicy


5. What is the correct antonym for ‘Happy’?

a. Joyful

b. Excited

c. Miserable


6. What is the correct antonym for ‘Full’?

a. Empty

b. Overflowing

c. Exhausted


7. What is the correct antonym for ‘Ancient’?

a. Old

b. Historic

c. Modern


8. What is the correct antonym for ‘Strong’?

a. powerful

b. weak

c. light


9. What is the correct antonym for ‘Quiet’?

a. Silent

b. Loud

c. Peace


10. What is the correct antonym for ‘Urban’?

a. Rural

b. City

c. Modern


11. What is the correct antonym for ‘Friend’?

a. Companion

b. Enemy

c. Ally


12. What is the correct antonym for ‘Soft’?

a. smooth

b. hard

c. gentle


13. What is the correct antonym for ‘Wide’?

a. Broad

b. Expanse

c. Narrow

14. What is the antonym of “fast”?

A) Quick

B) Swift

C) Slow

15. What is the antonym of “hot”?

A) Warm

B) Boiling

C) Cool

16. What is the antonym of “easy”?

A) Simple

B) Challenging

C) Straightforward

17. What is the antonym of “near”?

A) Close

B) Far

C) Adjacent

18. What is the antonym of “true”?

A) Correct

B) Accurate

C) False


19. What is the correct antonym for ‘Generous’?

a. Stingy

b. Kind

c. Charitable


20. What is the correct antonym for ‘Accept’?

a. Agree

b. Reject

c. receive


Answer all questions of the Antonyms test

  1. c. Clear
  2. b. Solitary
  3. b. Ephemeral
  4. a. Cold
  5. c. Miserable
  6. a. Empty
  7. c. Modern
  8. b. weak
  9. b. Loud
  10. a. Rural
  11. b. Enemy
  12. b. hard
  13. c. Narrow
  14. C) Slow
  15. C) Cool
  16. B) Challenging
  17. B) Far
  18. C) False
  19. a. Stingy
  20. b. Reject


FAQs on Synonyms and Antonyms Quiz


What are synonyms and antonyms?

Synonyms and Antonyms are the effective part of English Grammar. Synonyms are words that have similar meanings, while antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. Understanding both is essential for building vocabulary and improving language skills.


How can a synonyms and antonyms quiz help me?

Taking a quiz can enhance your understanding of word relationships, improve your vocabulary, and make you more confident in your writing and speaking abilities.


Are there different types of questions in the quiz?

Yes, the quiz may include multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank items, and matching exercises to test your knowledge of synonyms and antonyms in various ways.


Can I use the quiz as a study tool?

Absolutely! The quiz can be a fun and interactive way to reinforce your learning process. It’s great for both individual study and group activities in educational settings.


How often should I practice with quizzes?

Regular practice is key! Try to take quizzes weekly to continually reinforce your knowledge and track your progress over time.

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