Common and Proper Nouns Quiz with Answers

Explore the captivating realm of language through our Common and Proper Nouns Quiz. Understanding the difference between these two fundamental categories is essential for mastering grammar. Common nouns refer to general items or concepts—like “city” or “dog”—while proper nouns specify unique entities, such as “New York” or “Fido.”

This quiz offers a fun and engaging way to test your knowledge and sharpen your skills. Are you ready to challenge yourself and see how well you know your nouns? Let’s get started with the Common Noun and Proper Nouns quiz.

Proper Noun and Common Noun
Proper Noun and Common Noun sample quiz

Top 20 Common and Proper Nouns Quiz

You may get here the top 20 common nouns and proper nouns quiz for increasing your score. If you are weak in the types of nouns and common and proper nouns then this quiz will help you to remove your confusion.

Common and Proper Nouns Quiz

Common and Proper Nouns Quiz with answers is here. So, let's click "start" to participate in the quiz.

1 / 20

Identify the proper nouns in this sentence: "The teacher took the students to the Louvre."

2 / 20

Which option contains only common nouns?

3 / 20

Choose the sentence that uses proper nouns correctly:

4 / 20

In the phrase "the Great Wall of China," which word is a proper noun?

5 / 20

Which of the following is NOT a proper noun?

6 / 20

Select the sentence that contains both a common and a proper noun:

7 / 20

Which sentence uses a common noun correctly?

8 / 20

Identify the proper noun in this list:

9 / 20

What type of noun is "Amazon" in the sentence: "I ordered a book from Amazon"?

10 / 20

Which of the following is a common noun?

11 / 20

What word is a common noun that should NOT be capitalized?

12 / 20

We saw whales in _____ Ocean.

13 / 20

Call me when you arrive at _____ .

14 / 20

I want to visit _____ when I finish school

15 / 20

My cousin lives in _____ .

16 / 20

It refers to general things (like "a city" or "a mountain"). Which noun is it:

17 / 20

My favorite movie is Crocodile with John Travolta. The word "Crocodile" is a _____ noun.

18 / 20

There are 12 months in a year. The word "months" is a _____ noun.

19 / 20

It refers to specific, named things (like "Chicago" or "Mt. Which noun is it?

20 / 20

How would you say "three ____"?

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The average score is 70%


There are five types of Noun but, we have included this quiz just common and proper nouns. If you want to give Countable and Uncountable nouns quiz then you may join.

Common noun proper noun quiz Example

  1. It refers to specific, named things (like “Chicago” or “Mt. Which noun is it?

a. proper

b. common

c. Countable


2. There are 12 months in a year. The word “months” is a _____ noun.

a. proper noun

b. common noun

c. none of those


3. My favorite movie is Crocodile with John Travolta. The word “Crocodile” is a _____ noun.

a. proper

b. common

c. countable


4. I live in a small town in the USA. The word “town” is a _____ noun.

a. proper

b. common

c. none of those


5. It refers to general things (like “a city” or “a mountain”). Which noun is it:

a. proper

b. common

c. none of those


6. My cousin lives in _____ .

a. the UK

b. UK

c. none of those


7. I want to visit _____ when I finish school.

a. Asia

b. the Asia

c. an Asia


8. Call me when you arrive at _____ .

a. market

b. the market

c.none of those


9. We saw whales in _____ Ocean.

a. pacific

b. the pacific

c. a ocean


10. What word is a common noun that should NOT be capitalized?

a. Walmarts

b. Sally

c. lights


11. Which of the following is a common noun?

a) Paris

b) city

c) John


12. What type of noun is “Amazon” in the sentence: “I ordered a book from Amazon”?

a) Common noun

b) Proper noun

c) Abstract noun


13. Identify the proper noun in this list:

a) teacher

b) river

c) Nile


14. Which sentence uses a common noun correctly?

a) I love my dog, Max.

b) The dog barked at the mailman.

c) Sarah went to the store.


15. Select the sentence that contains both a common and a proper noun:

a) The cat is sleeping.

b) Emily loves ice cream.

c) The school is near Lake Michigan.


16. Which of the following is NOT a proper noun?

a) Eiffel Tower

b) country

c) Mount Everest


17. In the phrase “the Great Wall of China,” which word is a proper noun?

a) Great

b) Wall

c) China


18. Choose the sentence that uses proper nouns correctly

a) My brother visited Los Angeles.

b) She likes to read novels by Jane Austen.

c) We traveled to Italy last summer.


19. Which option contains only common nouns?

a) birthday, Sarah, cake

b) park, tree, bench

c) Jupiter, Earth, planet


20. Identify the proper nouns in this sentence: “The teacher took the students to the Louvre.”

  1. a) teacher, students
  2. b) Louvre
  3. c) took, to

Feel free to use these questions to test your understanding of common and proper nouns!


FAQs on Common Noun and Proper nouns


What is a common noun?

A common noun is a general name for a person, place, thing, or idea. It does not specify a particular entity and is typically not capitalized unless it begins a sentence. Examples include “city,” “dog,” and “teacher.”.


What is a proper noun?

A proper noun names a specific individual, place, or organization and is always capitalized. Examples include “New York,” “Fido,” and “Microsoft.” Proper nouns help distinguish one unique entity from others.


Can you give examples of both common and proper nouns?


  • Common nouns: “book,” “car,” “river.”
  • Proper nouns: “Harry Potter,” “Toyota,” “Amazon River.”.


Are there different types of nouns?

There are 5 types of nouns. Nouns can be categorized into several types:

  • Common Nouns: General names (e.g., “city”).
  • Proper Nouns: Specific names (e.g., “Paris”).
  • Collective Nouns: Groups of items or people (e.g., “team,” “flock”).
  • Abstract Nouns: Names for ideas or concepts (e.g., “happiness,” “freedom”).
  • Concrete Nouns: Names for tangible things that can be perceived by the senses (e.g., “apple,” “house”).


What is a collective noun?

A collective noun refers to a group of individuals or items considered as a single unit. Examples include “team,” “herd,” and “class.”.


What is an abstract noun?

An abstract noun denotes an idea, quality, or state that cannot be physically touched or seen. Examples include “love,” “bravery,” and “justice.”.


How do I know if a noun is common or proper?

If the noun names a general item or concept, it is a common noun. If it specifies a unique entity or a specific name, it is a proper noun. Remember that proper nouns are always capitalized.


Can a noun be both common and proper?

No, a noun cannot be both at the same time. However, the same word can function as both depending on the context. For example, “apple” is a common noun, but “Apple” (as in the company) is a proper noun.


How do I use proper nouns in sentences?

Proper nouns should always be capitalized and can stand alone or be part of a sentence. For example: “I visited London last summer,” where “London” is a proper noun.

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