Sample Email To Professor For Graduate Teaching Assistantship

As an aspiring historian with a thirst for knowledge and a knack for engaging others, I’m writing to express my keen interest in the Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) position for your upcoming [Course name] class. You’ll get here some sample Email to Professor For Graduate Teaching Assistantship or GTA with details.

Your groundbreaking work on [mention the specific area of the professor’s research related to the course] has deeply inspired me. Combining my academic foundation in [your area of study] with the opportunity to learn from a leading scholar like yourself would be an invaluable privilege.  It’s not just about expanding my understanding of history, but also about igniting that same spark of curiosity in others.

This email marks the beginning of my journey to bridge the gap between historical scholarship and student engagement. Let’s discuss how I can contribute as your GTA and help unlock the captivating mysteries of the past for your students!


Tips of Sample Email to Professor for Graduate Teaching Assistantship


In the first paragraph of your email, start by introducing yourself with your name and current academic status. Mention the degree program you’re in or the degree you’ve already completed. To showcase your academic excellence, highlight any achievements you have, such as a high GPA, academic awards (like a Gold Medal), or relevant research experience. This first impression should convince the professor you’re a strong student.


Here are some tips for writing a sample email to a professor for a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) position:


Subject Line:


  • Keep it concise and informative. Mention the course name (if known) and your interest in the GTA position.
  • Use strong verbs and keywords that grab the professor’s attention. (“Enthusiastic [Your Field] Student Seeking GTA Opportunity”)


Body of the Email


  • Introduce yourself: Briefly state your name, current program (Master’s student in History), and your interest in the GTA position.
  • Express your qualifications: Mention relevant coursework, research experience, or teaching experience (tutoring) that demonstrates your knowledge of the subject area.
  • Highlight your passion: Briefly explain why you’re interested in the specific course and how you can contribute to student learning. Reference the professor’s research (if relevant) to show your interest in their work.
  • Offer to meet: Mention your willingness to discuss your qualifications further and arrange a meeting (in person or virtually) at their convenience.
  • Attach your resume (optional): If you have a strong academic resume or CV, consider attaching it for the professor’s reference.
  • Proofread and edit: Ensure your email is free of typos and grammatical errors before sending.


Additional Tips:

  • Tailor your email to each professor. Do some research on their interests and expertise to show genuine interest in their work.
  • Be concise and to the point. Aim for a length of one page or less.
  • Be professional and polite in your tone.
  • Follow up if you don’t hear back within a reasonable amount of time (usually a week).


How to Write Email to Professor: Tricks

Keep your email to the professor short and sweet!  In the first sentence, tell them who you are (name, program) and highlight a big accomplishment (“high GPA of 3.9”, “Gold Medal winner”, “scholarship recipient”).  Then, explain why you’re interested in the GTA position by mentioning relevant experience (tutoring, research) and how it connects to the course.  Show your passion for teaching and helping students learn.  Finally, offered to meet and thank them for their time.  Proofread carefully before sending – professors appreciate clear writing and attention to detail.


Sample Email to Professor for Graduate Teaching Assistantship

Here’s a sample email template incorporating the tips previously given:

sample email to professor for graduate teaching assistantship

Sample email: 1


Subject: Enthusiastic History Student Seeking GTA Opportunity – [Your Name]


Dear Professor [Professor’s name],


My name is [Your Name], and I am a [Year] year Master’s student in History at [University name]. I am writing to express my strong interest in the Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) position for your upcoming [Course name] class, if available.


I have a strong foundation in history, having taken advanced courses in [mention relevant courses]. My research interests lie in [mention your specific area of interest], which aligns well with your groundbreaking work on [mention professor’s research area related to the course].


Beyond academics, I possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills, honed through my experience as a [mention relevant experience, history tutor, and research assistant]. I am passionate about fostering a dynamic learning environment where students can actively engage with historical concepts.


I am confident that my skills and enthusiasm would make me a valuable asset to your course. Now, I am eager to learn more about the GTA position and discuss how I can contribute to the success of your students.


Please let me know if you are available for a meeting at your convenience. I have attached my resume for your reference.


Thank you for your time and consideration.



[Your Name]


Sample email to professor 2


Subject: Eager History Student with Research Background – [Your Name]


Dear Professor [Professor’s name],


I’m [Your Name], a highly motivated Master’s student in History at [University name] with a strong research background. I’m writing to express my keen interest in the Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) position for your upcoming [Course name] class, if available.  My research experience in [Your research area] has given me a deep understanding of [Topics related to the course], which aligns well with your groundbreaking work on [Professor’s research area related to the course].  I’m confident I can contribute to a dynamic learning environment where students can actively engage with historical concepts.


Thank you for your time and consideration. I’ve attached my resume for your reference and would be happy to discuss my qualifications further at your convenience.



[Your Name]


Sample Email: 3


Subject: Investing in the Future: [Your Name] – Aspiring [Your Field] Educator

Dear Professor [Professor’s name],

As a Master’s student in [Your field] at [University name], I’m writing to express my interest in the Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) position for your [Course name] class.

This opportunity aligns perfectly with my future goals of becoming a [Your desired career path in education].  Having the chance to learn from a renowned scholar like yourself and contribute to your course would be an invaluable experience.

While my academic background in [Your area of study] provides a strong foundation, I’m eager to gain practical teaching experience. My passion for [Your field] and excellent communication skills make me confident I can create a dynamic learning environment for students.

I’m eager to discuss how I can contribute to the success of your class and my educational journey. Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

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Frequently Asked Questions


What are the qualifications for becoming a GTA?

Qualifications can vary depending on the program and course, but generally, you’ll need to be a graduate student in good academic standing with a strong foundation in the relevant subject area. Some programs may also require experience in tutoring, research, or teaching assistantships.


What should I include in my application for a GTA position?

Your application may require a cover letter, resume, transcript, and potentially a writing sample or teaching philosophy statement. Be sure to tailor your application materials to the specific program and course you’re interested in.


What are the benefits of becoming a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA)?

Becoming a GTA offers numerous benefits, including:


  • Gaining valuable teaching experience.
  • Deepening your understanding of the subject matter.
  • Developing strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Improving your resume for future academic or professional opportunities.
  • Potentially receiving financial compensation (stipends or tuition waivers) depending on the program.


How can I stand out as a strong candidate for a GTA position?

Highlight your academic achievements, relevant experience, passion for teaching, and strong communication skills in your application materials. Express enthusiasm for the specific course and professor’s work. Demonstrate initiative by offering to meet with the professor to discuss your qualifications further.



Landing a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) position can be a rewarding experience, offering valuable teaching skills, deeper subject knowledge, and a boost to your academic career. By crafting a well-written email that showcases your qualifications, passion, and enthusiasm for learning, you can increase your chances of impressing professors and securing that coveted GTA role.

The emails presented here are just starting points. Tailor them to each professor and course you’re interested in, highlighting the specific connections between your background and their work. Don’t be afraid to showcase your unique voice and passion for teaching – this could be the defining factor that sets you apart from other applicants.

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