Determiners Quiz with Answers For Everyone

Welcome to the Determiners Quiz! Determiners are essential elements in English grammar that help clarify and specify nouns. I will share the top 10 determiners quiz with answers for everyone. From articles like “a” and “the” to demonstratives like “this” and “those,” these small but mighty words play a crucial role in conveying meaning and precision in our sentences. Whether you’re a language enthusiast looking to brush up on your skills or a student preparing for an exam, this quiz will challenge your understanding and help you master the use of determiners.

Get ready to dive into a series of engaging questions that will test your knowledge and comprehension. Each question comes with answers and explanations. Ensuring you not only know the correct choice but also understand why it’s the right one. Let’s embark on this grammar adventure and enhance your command of English determiners.


Determiners Quiz with Answers

Test your knowledge of determiners MCQ online test with these 20 multiple-choice questions. Choose the best answer for each question, and check the answers at the end.

Determiners Quiz with Answers

Test your knowledge of determiners MCQ online test with these 20 multiple-choice questions. Now, click "start" button

1 / 20

Identify the incorrect use of a determiner: "Each student must submit their assignment."

2 / 20

Choose the correct determiner: "I need to buy ___ new shoes."

3 / 20

Which determiner fits best in the sentence? "I don’t have ___ time to waste."

4 / 20

Fill in the blank: "___ of the cake was left after the party."

5 / 20

Select the correct option to complete the sentence: "Can you pass me ___ salt?"

6 / 20

Which sentence uses a quantifier correctly?

7 / 20

Identify the correct demonstrative determiner: "___ books on the shelf are mine."

8 / 20

Choose the correct determiner: "I saw ___ elephant at the zoo."

9 / 20

Which of the following is a definite article?

10 / 20

Unfortunately, I haven't got ---- time for watching TV.

11 / 20

---- coat will do. It doesn't need to be a raincoat

12 / 20

There is ---- water left, so drink only if you must.

13 / 20

Which sentence contains a possessive determiner?

14 / 20

If we don't move faster, we'll miss our transfer to Munich. There isn't ----- time to waste.

15 / 20

Johnny is a keen player but unfortunately, he has ---- skills.

16 / 20

I always keep _____ money in my wallet for emergencies

17 / 20

He went with __________ younger sisters.

18 / 20

She was wearing a bracelet on __________ wrist.

19 / 20

The dogs were _____ given a bone.

20 / 20

Sabrina saw _____ shooting star yesterday.

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The average score is 65%



Examples of determiners multiple choice questions

  1. The dogs were _____ given a bone.

a. each

b. any

c. every

2. She was wearing a bracelet on __________ wrist.

a. any

b. each

c. every


3. He went with __________ younger sisters.

a. two his

b. both his

c. hit both


4. I always keep _____ money in my wallet for emergencies

a. any

b. every

c. some


5. Johnny is a keen player but unfortunately, he has —- skills.

a. none

b. some

c. few


6. If we don’t move faster, we’ll miss our transfer to Munich. There isn’t —– time to waste.

a. little

b. any

c. many


7. Which sentence contains a possessive determiner?

A) This is a nice day.

B) Their house is large.

C) I want to go home.


8. There is —- water left, so drink only if you must.

a. little

b. some

c. few


9. —- coat will do. It doesn’t need to be a raincoat

a. little

b. no

c. any


10. Unfortunately, I haven’t got —- time for watching TV.

a. few

b. no

c. much


11. Which of the following is a definite article?

A) A

B) An

C) The


12. Choose the correct determiner: “I saw ___ elephant at the zoo.”

A) a

B) an

C) the


13. Identify the correct demonstrative determiner: “___ books on the shelf are mine.”

A) This

B) That

C) These


14. Which sentence uses a quantifier correctly?

A) I have much friends.

B) She has many apples.

C) He has a few car.


15. Select the correct option to complete the sentence: “Can you pass me ___ salt?”

A) the

B) a

C) some


16. Fill in the blank: “___ of the cake was left after the party.”

A) Any

B) None

C) Much


17. Which determiner fits best in the sentence? “I don’t have ___ time to waste.”

A) any

B) some

C) many


18. Choose the correct determiner: “I need to buy ___ new shoes.”

A) a

B) an

C) the


Answer of those all questions

  1. a. each
  2. b. each
  3. b. both his
  4. c. some
  5. c. few
  6. b. any
  7. B) Their house is large.
  8. a. little
  9. c. any
  10. c. much
  11. C) The
  12. B) an
  13. C) These
  14. B) She has many apples.
  15. A) the
  16. B) None
  17. A) any
  18. A) a

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FAQs on Determiners Quiz with Answers

What are determiners, and why are they important in English grammar?

Determiners are words that introduce nouns and provide context such as quantity, possession, or specificity. They are important because they help clarify meaning and ensure sentences are grammatically correct, allowing for clear communication.

How can I improve my understanding of determiners?

To improve your understanding of determiners, practice using them in sentences, read more extensively to see how they function in context, and take quizzes like this one to test your knowledge. Engaging with grammar exercises and seeking feedback can also help solidify your grasp.


Are there different types of determiners? If so, what are they?

Yes, there are several types of determiners, including articles (definite and indefinite), demonstratives (this, that, these, those), possessives (my, your, their), quantifiers (some, many, few), and numbers (one, two, three). Each type serves a specific purpose in sentence construction.


What should I do if I’m unsure about the correct determiner to use in a sentence?

If you’re unsure about which determiner to use, consider the noun it modifies: Is it specific or general? Is it singular or plural? Think about the context of the sentence and refer to grammar guides or resources for clarification. Practice and exposure will also help improve your instincts over time

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