Difference Between Was And Were With Examples | Was VS Were


In English, Tense is an effective part and ‘’was and were’’ is the helping verb of Tense. There is some difference between was and were. ‘’Were and was’’ is the past tense of English grammar. We will describe here how to use was or were in a sentence so, stay and look here. Afterward reading the post I think you won’t have any dilemmas about the topics.

“Imagine ‘was’ as a spotlight on a single past event or subject, while ‘were’ is like a group photo capturing multiple past events or subjects. ‘Was’ is for singular, and ‘were’ is for plural.”

We have to know correctly basic tense structures and examples without meaningful tense we can’t make an effective sentence.


What is the definition of ”was”?

Definition of was: The was a form of verb tense is used to refer to something that will happen in the future. For example, “The washer wasn’t working.” This sentence uses ‘was’ because it’s referring to something that will happen in the future – which means that it’s using the present tense.

It is used as the first-person singular and 3rd-person singular number past form of the tense.

Was we used in a sentence with “I, He, She, and It”?

For examples

He was vectoring the game against Anderson.

She was going to New York.

I was driving the car for going to University.


What is the Definition of were

It is used as a 2nd person singular and plural number and the first and third person plural number. We used ‘were with “you, your, yours, we, and they”.

The verb ‘were’ form of verb tense is used to refer to something that has already happened. For example, “I saw the cat playing.” This sentence uses were because it’s referring to something that has already happened – which means that it’s using the past tense.


For examples

We were doing the task on the time.

They were not playing in the tournament because of the rain.

Were you driving the car yesterday?

You will get here also: What is the difference between shall and will

What is the difference between has been and have been


What the difference is between was and were?

You will get in the post full details about the difference between were and were with examples.  Everyone can get for doing exercise and definition of ‘was and were’ so, stay with us.

“Think of ‘was’ as the singular past and ‘were’ as the plural past. When describing a single action or subject in the past, use ‘was,’ but when referring to multiple actions or subjects in the past, go with ‘were’.”

” ‘Was’ is used for singular subjects, like ‘he was,’ while ‘were’ is for plural subjects, as in ‘they were.’ It’s all about the number of people or things you’re talking about.”


The difference between was and were with the Comparison Chart

There are some differences between was and were with meaning, nouns, pronouns, examples, and also given below by a chart.

Below is a colorful, user-friendly, and eye-catching comparison table that highlights the differences between “was” and “were.” The table is designed to be visually appealing and easy to understand for students, with added value in the form of examples, usage tips, and a quick quiz.

Difference Between “Was” and “Were”

TensePast Simple TensePast Simple Tense
UsageUsed with singular subjects (I, he, she, it, or singular nouns).Used with plural subjects (you, we, they, or plural nouns).
Example– I was at the park yesterday.
– She was happy.
– We were at the park yesterday.
– They were happy.
SubjectSingular subjects only.Plural subjects or “you” (even if singular).
Exception“Was” is used with “I” even though it’s singular.“Were” is used with “you” regardless of singular or plural context.
Hypothetical UseNot used for hypothetical or unreal situations.Used for hypothetical or unreal situations (e.g., “If I were rich…”).
Common Phrases– I was
– He was
– She was
– It was
– We were
– You were
– They were
Key TipThink of “was” as describing one person or thing in the past.Think of “were” as describing multiple people or things in the past.

Study Tips for Students

  1. Practice with Examples: Write 5 sentences using “was” and 5 sentences using “were” to reinforce your understanding.
  2. Subject Matching Game: Match subjects (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) with “was” or “were” in a fun quiz.
  3. Hypothetical Scenarios: Practice using “were” in hypothetical sentences (e.g., “If I were a bird, I would fly.”).
  4. Spot the Difference: Identify “was” and “were” in books or articles to see how they are used in real contexts.
Was vs Were
Was vs Were

Quick Quiz

  1. She ___ at the store yesterday. (was/were)
  2. They ___ playing soccer in the park. (was/were)
  3. If I ___ you, I would study harder. (was/were)
  4. The cat ___ sleeping on the couch. (was/were)

Answers: 1. was, 2. were, 3. were, 4. was

You may give full quiz test for improving your Present Continuous tense problem and also past simple quiz.


Examples of ‘was’


  • He was going to Market before 1 month.
  • John was compiling this E-book some days ago.
  • Was he going to University yesterday?
  • It was a very great day for all.
  • She was playing in the tennis tournament but, did not win.


Examples of ‘were’

  • Were you going to New York in the previous month?
  • You were writing full content about Marketing.
  • They were going to London to travel.
  • We were playing in the football tournament against Australia.


The negative form of was VS were

Negative Contractions

  • Was not – wasn’t
  • Were not – weren’t

Lastly, we can say, was the first person singular and third person singular. In fact, ‘Were’ are the second person singular and third person plural, and first and third person plural number in the past tense.

There are other contents that you may like to read what is the difference between has and had?


Exercise of Was and were

You may try to exercise here.

  1. If you ………. a bird.
  2. We ……. Speaking English truly.
  3. He ……. Going to Australia for his business.
  4. …… he writing a letter.
  5. He ….. forgetting us.
  6. It …… being writing the content.
  7. Somebody …… doing anything yesterday.
  8. She …… highly encouraged in it because he tries to say.
  9. It ….. the house off the main road.
  10. They ……. Going to Hong Kong for traveling.

Answer: 1. Were  2. Were 3. Were 4. Was 5. Was 6. Was 7. Was 8. Was 09. Was and 10. Were.


What is the main Difference Between Was and Were?

The main difference between “was” and “were” boils down to number and person:

  • Was is used for the past tense of “be” with singular subjects in both the first and third person:

    • was at the park yesterday.
    • He was reading a book.
    • She was tired after work.
    • It was a rainy day.
  • Were is used for the past tense of “be” with plural subjects, including:

    • Second person singular and plural: You were late to school. We were playing outside.
    • First person plural: We were excited for the trip.
    • Third person plural: They were singing loudly.



  • Were can also be used in the subjunctive mood, which expresses wishes, requests, or hypothetical situations:
    • If I were you, I would apologize.
    • I wish I were on a beach right now.



  • If your subject is alone, use “was”.
  • If your subject is plural or “you”, use “were”.
  • If your sentence expresses something not factual, “were” might be the right choice for the subjunctive mood.


Some FAQ’s

How do you use was to form progressive tenses?

To form the progressive tense, use was to form the past tense and add -ing.


When is ‘was’ used and when is ‘were’ used?

“When was used” is usually used to refer to the past tense, and “were used” is usually used to refer to the present tense.


Why was became a more popular word than were in the past?

The word ‘were’ became less popular in the past because it was used as a verb that meant ‘to be’. The word ‘become’ is used more often as a verb because it is more concise.


Final Note

In this blog, we have explained the difference between was and were forms of the verb ‘to be’. By understanding the difference, you will be able to use the correct form of the verb in any situation. Thanks for reading.


Finally, I think this content will help me know details about the difference between was and were.

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