Indirect Object Quiz for Students and Kids

Welcome to the Indirect Object Quiz! Do you know who gets what in a sentence? An indirect object is all about who receives something without being the main action’s target.

Think of it like this: If you give someone a gift, that someone is the indirect object. In this quiz, you’ll spot these sneaky sentence helpers in action. Ready to test your grammar skills? Let’s start by finding out how well you can identify indirect objects.

Indirect Object Quiz

Indirect Object Quiz

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1 / 15

Identify the indirect object in "He taught his son the rules."

2 / 15

Which option is the indirect object in "They offered help to the community"?

3 / 15

In "My mother baked us a cake," what is the indirect object?

4 / 15

Which sentence includes an indirect object?

5 / 15

Which word is the indirect object in "He told the story to everyone"?

6 / 15

In "Can you lend me your pen?", who or what is the indirect object?

7 / 15

Which of these sentences does NOT have an indirect object?

8 / 15

Identify the indirect object in "We bought our parents tickets for the concert."

9 / 15

Which sentence has an indirect object?

10 / 15

In the sentence "She gave her brother a new book," who is the indirect object?

11 / 15

The indirect object is something or someone who receives

12 / 15

To find the indirect object, ask yourself who or what received

13 / 15

An indirect object can be rephrased and repositioned as part of

14 / 15

If the indirect object is a noun phrase, it will contain

15 / 15

1." Mr. John sent his friend an email." The indirect object is

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The average score is 81%


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Here are 15 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) focused on identifying indirect objects in sentences. Answers and explanations will follow the quiz.

1.” Mr. John sent his friend an email.” The indirect object is

a) an email

b) His friend

c) Sent


 2. If the indirect object is a noun phrase, it will contain

a) one word

b) one or more words

c) Three words


3. An indirect object can be rephrased and repositioned as part of

a) a noun phrase

b) an object

c) a prepositional phrase


4. To find the indirect object, ask yourself who or what received

a) the direct object

b) the subject

c) an Object


5. The indirect object is something or someone who receives

a) the direct object

b) the main verb

c) Auxiliary verb


6. In the sentence “She gave her brother a new book,” who is the indirect object?

A) She

B) gave

C) her brother

7. Which sentence has an indirect object?

A) The cat chased the mouse.

B) He wrote a letter to his friend.

C) I ate breakfast quickly.

8. Identify the indirect object in “We bought our parents tickets for the concert.”

A) We

B) bought

C) our parents

9. Which of these sentences does NOT have an indirect object?

A) They sent postcards to their friends.

B) I made cookies.

C) The teacher gave us homework.

10. In “Can you lend me your pen?”, who or what is the indirect object?

A) Can you

B) lend

C) me

11. Which word is the indirect object in “He told the story to everyone”?

A) everyone

B) told

C) the story

12. Which sentence includes an indirect object?

A) The dog barked loudly.

B) She painted the fence.

C) I owe you an apology.

13. In “My mother baked us a cake,” what is the indirect object?

A) My mother

B) baked

C) us

14. Which option is the indirect object in “They offered help to the community”?

A) They

B) the community

C) help

15. Identify the indirect object in “He taught his son the rules.”

A) He

B) taught

C) his son


Answers and Explanations of Indirect objects quiz

1. b) His friend

Explanation: The indirect object is the person or entity that receives the direct object. In this sentence, “an email” is the direct object being sent, and “his friend” is the recipient of that email, making “his friend” the indirect object.

2. b) one or more words

Explanation: A noun phrase can consist of a single noun or several words that function together as a noun. “His friend” is a noun phrase with two words, so the answer is “one or more words.”

3. c) a prepositional phrase

Explanation: An indirect object can often be transformed into a prepositional phrase using “to” or “for.” For example, “Mr. John sent an email to his friend” shows “his friend” repositioned as the object of the preposition “to.”

4. a) the direct object

Explanation: The indirect object is the recipient of the direct object. You identify it by asking who or what received the item (direct object) in question.

5. a) the direct object

Explanation: By definition, the indirect object in a sentence is the entity that receives the direct object, whether it’s a gift, information, or in this case, an email.

6.C) her brother – The indirect object is the person receiving the action; “her brother” is receiving the book.

7.B) He wrote a letter to his friend. – Here, “friend” is the indirect object because the letter is being written for the friend.

8.C) our parents – “Our parents” receive the tickets, making them the indirect object.

9.B) I made cookies. – No indirect object here; no one is being given or receiving something directly.

10.C) me – “Me” is the indirect object, receiving the pen.

11.A) everyone – “Everyone” is the indirect object as the story is being told to them.

12.C) I owe you an apology. – “You” is the indirect object as the apology is owed to you.

13.C) us – “Us” is the indirect object since the cake is being baked for us.

14.B) the community – “The community” is the indirect object, receiving the help.

15.C) his son – “His son” is the indirect object, being taught the rules.

These questions help you recognize indirect objects, which are typically the recipients of the direct object in a sentence, either directly (without a preposition like ‘to’ or ‘for’) or indirectly (with these prepositions).


Final Note

Wrapping up our Indirect Object Quiz adventure, remember: spotting the indirect object is like finding the secret recipient in a sentence party.

You’ve now got the skills to identify who’s getting what, whether it’s a book, a message, or a high-five. Keep practicing, and soon, you’ll be the grammar detective everyone turns to when the sentence gets a bit too mysterious

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